Thank you for helping to shine a little of winter’s thin light onto the uncomfortable reality of genocide and colonialism ongoing on Turtle Island. I appreciate your efforts to seek out the myths and their wisdom keepers of the land you live on, before overlaying Brigid’s myths on lives lived on this continent. I wonder how Brigid would walk on Turtle Island now? I wonder what we can learn from her to help us care for our places and their original peoples?

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Brilliant, necessary questions, dear K. And surely questions that need to be lived before they can begin to be answered. It’s a trick of the eye and a trick of the heavy heart that caused me to read your first line as “a little of a writer’s thin light onto the uncomfortable reality…” because I know that feeling so well. Sometimes the light I am able to shine as a writer feels too thin. I know that my calling is as a writer and a creative, and I am here to tell the story and reframe the stories for others. Some days I trust it’s enough and other days I wonder how on earth more words are going to undo so much pain. And yet, we try again each day to speak to the stones in the trees in the sky, and listen for what they have to say about how to treat one another.

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Perhaps the "writer's light" is thin for good reason: to shine a little into the mystery. If the writer answers all of the questions, what mystery is left for the reader to explore? I love how you converse with the animate landscape: that is where I have found wisdom also. :-)

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